Heart of flame

Heart of flame - color:bay - born:2012

home.studbook icon
2012 - KWPN
1995 - KWPN
2005 - KWPN
1984 - KWPN
1986 - KWPN
1990 - HOLST
2012 - KWPN
1979 - HANN
1969 - NWP
1968 - HOLST
1982 - KWPN
1975 - HOLST
1983 - HOLST
1988 - KWPN
1988 - KWPN


Abelle: KWPN (Indoctro x Goodtimes)

First Dam

Mabelle: KWPN (Goodtimes x Sovereign bill xx) - Level: 1.30m

Second Dam

Gazelle: KWPN (Sovereign bill xx x Darwin)

Third Dam

Jolanda: KWPN (Darwin x Leopold)

Fourth Dam


class date rider rank result prize