Dorette z
Dorette z - color:chestnut - born:1996
- breeder
- are you the breeder?
- 056015Z55051096
1996 - ZANG
1989 - HOLST
1987 - KWPN
1968 - HOLST
1969 - HOLST
1981 - HANN
1971 - HOLST
1963 - xx
1965 - xx
1959 - HOLST
1974 - KWPN
Fanka: KWPN (Man in the moon xx x Farn)
First Dam
Anka: KWPN (Farn x Duc de normandie)
Second Dam
Panka: KWPN (Duc de normandie x Roland)
Third Dam
Fanka: Sgldt (Roland x Norton)
Fourth Dam
no results